Armenian Vegetable Casserole – Food Exposed

Armenian Vegetable Casserole Servings: 3                    Serving Size: 2 ½ cups   Ingredients: 1 whole(1 lb.) can reduced sodium pear-shaped tomatoes 3 medium carrots, cut into 1/2″ thick slanting slices ½ cup catsup 1 medium eggplant, peeled and cut into 1″ pieces 1 tbsp.extra virgin olive oil ½ beans 1 tbsp. NutriFit Mediterranean Salt Free Spice Blend 2 large onions, cut into 1″ cubes 1 large green bell pepper, chopped 1 cup reduced…

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Benefit of Stay at home Parenting – Tuff and Tender

Today’s topic is Stay at Home Dads and what’s expected of them in a marriage.  Is it good or bad, demanding or not and how do they handle all of it? Inna Tuler Former concert pianist with a BA in Performing arts from University of Tel Aviv. Owner (22 years) of Maintco Corp. which is…

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Michael Starr’s Fitness Tip on Ric Drasin Live

Michael Starr shares his tip on staying in shape while traveling. Michael Starr is the lead singer of Steel Panther, an American heavy metal band from Los Angeles, California mostly known for their profane and humorous lyrics as well as their exaggerated on-stage personae that reimagine and parody the heavy metal music and lifestyle of the…

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Social Relationships and Health – Food Exposed

Think about the most important relationships in your life. What are the characteristics of the people to whom you feel closest? Happy couples describe their partners as interested and responsive. Besides existing relationships, curious people act in certain ways with strangers that allow relationships to develop more easily. Research shows that curious people ask questions…

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The How of Happiness – Food Exposed

My coaching moment today is about how committing to your goals helps you achieve happiness, and is based on the work of Sonja Lyubomirsky. In her book, The How of Happiness, she writes, “people who strive for something personally significant, whether it’s learning a new craft, changing careers, or raising moral children, are far happier…

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Experience of Choice – Food Exposed

My coaching moment today is about the experience of choice. In his book, Why We Do What We Do, Edward Deci says, “At the heart of human freedom is the experience of choice.” As a coach, I talk to people in terms of making their own choices and forging their own path all the time.…

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Improving your Memory – Food Exposed

My coaching moment today comes from a workshop that I love to present, and have many, many times. It’s called Brain Boosters: Improving your Memory. Let’s face it, we’re all concerned about forgetting what we really want to remember! In this presentation I talk about the value of attaching to memories using our different senses,…

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Making a Difference – Food Exposed

Here’s a little story about Making a Difference. Once upon a time there was a wise man who used to go to the ocean to do his writing. He had a habit of walking on the beach before he began his work. One day he was walking along the shore. As he looked down the…

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Self-Acceptance – Food Exposed

No matter how much spiritual practice, self-improvement, or therapy we’ve been through, there is one area where many of us still find ourselves challenged every day: self-acceptance. It seems all too easy to fall into the trap of judging ourselves as inadequate, finding fault with our achievements or our bodies, and believing our self-critical inner…

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Sharing Resources – Food Exposed

Here’s a little story that illustrates the value of sharing resources and creating something from nothing. There are many versions of it, and I’m not sure where it comes from originally, but here goes: Many years ago in a time of great hardship and famine an old soldier wandered into a poverty stricken village and…

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Commitment with Passion – Food Exposed

I’d like to take a minute to talk about commitment with passion. No, I’m not talking about the romantic kind (as in intimate relationships with others) – rather I’m talking about the kind of commitment that leads to creating self-fulfilling prophecies. Let’s face it, pursuing your goals, even if you’re highly motivated, isn’t always a…

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Self Talk – Food Exposed

Research shows that our SELF TALK really influences how we make decisions about what we will or won’t do. Basically, as humans, we thrive on autonomy – and feeling like we’re picking our own path through life. This is true at any age!

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On Purpose Magazine with JW Najarian – Food Exposed

Jackie’s guest this week is founder of OnPurpose Magazine, JW Najarian. JW is a proud veteran, who has started a linkedin group of over 40,000 to help vets connect to each other, and a cancer patient fighting to overcome stage 4 prostate cancer. In addition, he has interviewed a number of up and coming authors…

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Learn about Meditation – Wellness for Realists

Licensed Acupuncturist and Herbalist, Christian Cristiano whom has been helping people heal for 16 years is your host on Wellness for Realists.  Wellness for Realists will assist you in achieving optimum health and balance in your life by keeping you current on hot health topics and introducing you to leading experts in health, wellness, and…

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