Your Weekly Woo Woo – Clips
Tarot Cards – Your Weekly Woo Woo
Jenn, Lauren, and Chiray briefly discuss the history of Tarot cards and their significance in regards to astrology. Subscribe to keep up with all of the latest video uploads and live events… Follow our network on twitter @emPOWERmedottv Tweets by emPOWERmedottv You can also like us on Facebook for show updates!
Read MoreHang Drum: Chakras: Grand Master Kataka: Your Weekly Woo Woo
Subscribe to keep up with all of the latest video uploads and live events… Follow our network on twitter @emPOWERmedottv Tweets by emPOWERmedottv You can also like us on Facebook for show updates!
Read MoreSecond Chakra: Your Weekly Woo Woo
Chakras. What blocks them? How do we clear them? What in the Universe is effecting our chakras?! We will bet talking with Lauren of course, about the Astrological aspects and Grand Master Kataka Gara joins us to help us rebalance & unblock. Using sound therapy, with a Hang, Grand Master Kataka does a live healing…
Read MoreChakras: Grand Master Kataka: Hang Drum: Your Weekly Woo Woo
Subscribe to keep up with all of the latest video uploads and live events… Follow our network on twitter @emPOWERmedottv Tweets by emPOWERmedottv You can also like us on Facebook for show updates!
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